Saturday, October 27, 2007

DONA Doula Training a Success!

I just arrived home from a wonderful DONA International Doula Training, taught by DONA International President Debbie Young. It was held at Birthroot Midwifery, a beautiful birth clinic in Fayetteville. A group of 13 women from around Northwest Arkansas, and from as far away as Tulsa, OK attended the 3-day training that will prepare them to complete their certification or recertify as birth doulas. Attendees learned skills such as comfort techniques for labor, the emotional stages of labor, prenatal and postpartum support, communication techniques, marketing of services, and care of women with special needs. The training culminated in a surprisingly accurate simulation of a birth, where all of the trainees were able to practice their new skills on "Britney," a teen mom in labor (played by trainer Debbie Young).

What a wonderful opportunity to mingle with women who want to care for other women! There was a lot of talent, wisdom, heart in this group. I'm convinced they will make a real difference for many women in our area.

In order to finish their certification, new doulas must provide labor support to three mothers and receive positive evaluations from each. If you are looking for a doula, or know someone who would like one, please have them email me ( and I'll be happy to connect them with one of the doulas-in-training.

(1) Sara Milford (2) Renee Johnson (3) Janessa Craig
(4) Carie Means, Sara Milford, Amber Fisk, Debbie (5) Sara Visser and Carrie Staten (6) Meredith Ek
(7) Renee Johnson and Nancy Davis (8) Kathy Taylor (9) Nicole Sheppard
Other participants not pictured: Anna Sturges and Elizabeth Day

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